Blog & Portfolio

Every good portfolio website has a blog with fresh news, thoughts and develop­ments of your activities. Feeling Responsive offers you a fully functional blog with an archive page to give readers a quick overview of all your posts.

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Why use this theme?

Feeling Responsive is heavily customizable.
1. Language-Support :)
2. Optimized for speed and it's responsive.
3. Built on Foundation Framework.
4. Seven different Headers.
5. Customizable navigation, footer,...

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Download Theme

Feeling Responsive is totally free and licensed under the MIT License. Make it your own and do with it what you want. Grab your copy or clone it at GitHub and start your website with it. Then tell me via Twitter @phlow.

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Image by Antonio

Reading Experience

Wonderful Typography

Feeling Responsive uses Volkhov for headlines, Lato for everything else and if you are in need to show some code, it will be in Lucida Console or Monaco. Read More ›

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